Another PETA Protestor Crashed a Fashion Show, and People Are Applauding How Security Handled It

PETA, the animal rights group known for its headline-grabbing stunts, has been crashing fashion shows to protest the use of animal fur since 1991 (enjoy its rather grainy timeline of interrupted shows here). But while earlier activists carried aggressive signs and looked like, well, normal not-model people, the group’s 2023 tactics are much better. This year they’re sending sign-carrying women, who are built and styled like models, down the runways to display their message, not confront anyone…and the girls can walk.

At New York Fashion Week, a blonde infiltrated the Coach show to hold up a “Leather Kills” sign but was dragged away by security. It’s unclear from the video whether she or they initiated the struggle, but it did seem like a rather forceful move to stop someone who was, actually, not even interrupting the other models! (PS: What happened to the woman in the body paint?)

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But in London things went a lot smoother. Another PETA activist crashed another venue—this time Burberry—and an experienced security guy, perhaps chastened by the kerfuffle at Coach, expertly hooked his arm around her waist and steered her out of the area without causing a scene.

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