The 20-Minute Trick to the Fluffiest, Creamiest Hummus

Making hummus at home is a good move—it’s likely going to be cheaperbetter-tasting

The secret? Chickpea guru Michael Solmonov, who makes some of the best hummus on the planet at the Philadelphia and NYC outposts of Dizengoff

Image may contain Food Dish Meal Lunch Bowl Dessert and Plant
Israeli-Style Hummus

I’ve tried making hummus Solomonov’s waymy life a few hours and a lot of garbanzos to finding a faster way to get similar results.

The Experiment

My hypothesis was that you could mimic the smoothness of hummus made with dried, soaked, and cooked chickpeas by taking canned chickpeas and simmering them until the beans were falling apart. To test my theory, I decided to make three versions of the same hummus recipe, side-by-side:

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